The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Debate Team 2005 FFL State Champions |
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Marjory Stoneman Douglas Debate Team Constitution
Team Mission Statement
Team Member Qualifications
Team and Board Meetings
Officer Board Mission Statement
Board Positions
Voting Positions - The 2005-2006 School Year will have the following positions and their listed responsibilities:
Board Voting Procedures
a. If one Member in a "Co" position resigns or becomes impeached, the other member maintains the position. The board will appoint a new Vice President to fill the position following the resignation or impeachment (Requires a 2/3 vote, like any appointment position). It cannot be the same person who resigned or was impeached. Requirements and Procedures for Impeachment a. Qualifications for Impeachment A. Behavior Contract 1. Each Board Member must sign a Behavior Contract (created by a Team or Board President). The Contract will confirm that the Board Member must fulfill their Duties or will become vulnerable to Impeachment. B. Prerequisites for Impeachment 1. He or she fails to meet his or her defined responsibilities. 2. He or she misses 2 consecutive Board meetings or 4 meetings per semester. 3. He or she fails to behave properly at board meetings or tournaments. 4. He or she is not longer enrolled in the Debate class. C. If a board member (Honorary, Division Leader/Assistant Leader, or otherwise) meets any or all of these requirements, he or she is eligible for impeachment. D. Procedures for Impeachment. 1. The Member in Question must first qualify for Impeachment. 2. Only board members may submit impeachment proposals. a. These are submitted to the Coach, who relays the proposal to the Board at the next meeting. The Parliamentarian will read the constitution aloud to make sure impeachment claim is valid. 3. 2/3 (Or determined Majority) of the Board Members (excluding the Member being impeached) must vote affirmatively in order for the impeachment to take place. a. The Member in question may not be present during the voting procedures in order to ensure unbiased opinions. 4. The Board will appoint a replacement among Members of the Team depending on the position that was impeached. This must be ratified by 2/3 (Or determined Majority) of the Board. Requirements to Run For Board Positions in Elections a. All candidates, except novice representatives, must be returning debaters who are enrolled in the class for the following year. The Novice Captain may only be a debate two student the year following the election. b. Candidates must be in good standing with the debate team, and have no outstanding debts. A. "Good standing" is determined by each applicant’s behavioral record at tournaments and at school, determined by the coach. (Only in EXTREME cases should an applicant be denied running privileges). c. Exceptional Candidacy Circumstances with "Co" Positions A. If, prior to an election, one of the two Members on a Co-President or Co-Vice President wishes to resign, he or she must do so 24 hours before the application deadline. B. Once the Election Committee has recognized the resignation, the ticket between the two Members will be terminated, and both must either forego the election or re-register with the same Committee. 1. The re-registered Member may choose a different Member to create another "Co" ticket. Election Procedures a. Qualifications for Voting A. Must be a returning member of the Team and have satisfied all Team Member requirements. b. Procedures A. Two outgoing Senior Team Members will facilitate the elections. 1. They will create ballots, determine election date, collect and create candidate applications, count votes, and announce winners. c. Members are elected based on a PLURALITY vote. Division Meetings (Workshops) a. Definition A. Each Division, organized by Speech or Debate Event, will focus on enhancing its Members speaking abilities by providing both group and individual attention for participants. b. Leadership A. Each Division will have a Leader and an Assistant Leader, appointed by a determined Majority on the Board. 1. Leaders and Assistant Leaders will be chosen based on commitment to the team, skill, and responsibility. 2. The Leader will schedule the Division meetings and coordinate helpful activities for the Division. a. The Leader must attend three out of four of its meetings per month. 3. The Assistant Leader has minimal authority when the Leader is present, but does gain full authority in the Leader’s absence. 4. Either a Leader or an Assistant Leader MUST be present at each Division Meeting. 5. Both the Leader and the Assistant Leader are subject to impeachment if they do not fulfill their responsibilities. B. Mandatory Division Requirements 1. Each Division must meet 4 times a month as a MINIMUM. 2. The Division must show signs of progress among its members, to ensure that time is being used effectively. 3. The meeting dates and times must be written clearly in the Debate Room at least two days prior to the meeting. 4. Each Division must create a distinctive name for itself. 5. Every Member of the Division must be registered with his or her respective Captain (Varsity or Novice). His or her respective Captain must approve any change of Division as well. The registered change must be attained through an approval form (to be created by the Debate Board) and in the Captain’s possession. C. Member Requirements for Division Meetings 1. Each Division Member must attend 2 out of 4 of its monthly meetings and fully participate at these meetings. 2. The Leader or the Assistant Leader will report any behavior problems to the Coach. 3. Each member must sign in to verify that they have attended the meeting. D. Miscellaneous 1. The Team President oversees the Division Program, with the Varsity Captain and the Novice Captain overseeing their respective constituents. 2. The Team President reserves the right to mandate extra meetings to prepare for upcoming tournaments or in any necessary situation. XII. Debate Monetary Appropriations & Regulations a. The collection of funds (via through dues, fundraising, fees, or sponsorships) is to be used for the continuation and ultimate progression of the team. The funds will be dispersed in four expense categories, and used in the order established. 1) Team Continuation Expenses (To be covered first and foremost before anything else) * Inclusive of NFL, CFL, & FFL dues (Team, coach, and memberships) * Any outstanding debts to school, persons, or any forensic league. 2) Speech & Student Resources (All expenses of the first category must be paid or pending payment to spend in this category) * Inclusive of material resources (magazines, scripts, videos, educational products) * Need-Based Improvement Items (Items board would like to see purchased) 3) Subsidy of local/regional level tournaments (All of the first & second categories must be paid or pending payment to spend in this category) * The amount set aside for the subsidy of local/regional level tournaments shall be equivalent to the amount collected from 3/4 of the team dues and 1/2 of the two team semester fundraisers. * How it is divided up amongst the local tournaments is up to the board to appropriate. 4) Subsidy of state/national level tournaments (All of the first two categories must be paid or pending payment, as well as The 3rd category shall be considered before spending on the fourth) * The amount set aside for the subsidy of state/national level tournaments shall consist of every raised dollar after the predicated costs of the first, second, and third categories. * Unless the financial situation improves, or conversely becomes financially unrealistic, the amount that can be spent on these tournaments is capped at $1,500.00 per semester. This amount is determined by the board every semester given the financial situation. b. This categorical system shall operate under the premises of these following rules: 1) At no point do the debate account funds drop below $1,000.00 unless 100% of the board approves with the consent of the coach, or at the sole discretion of the coach. 2) The board will strive to have $2,000.00 by the end of the school year. It can be lower only if every effort to cut funding for state/national level subsidies was attempted. 3) Additional fundraisers, sponsorships, tournament revenues, etc... not directly inclusive in the categories should be planned subsides of the state/national tournaments. There is to be no excessive spending in the first three categories that would limit the amount spent on the fourth Category to what the board and/or coach would consider unsatisfactory and inequitable. 4) If team funds are allocated to state/national level tournaments that are not officially sponsored by the team, the board must be presented with all the travel expense information (Lodging, method of transportation, etc..) before allocating a specific amount for the trip. This to prevent individuals from taking advantage of team funds. |